Wine Characteristics With Acidity


Gives wine its crispness and freshness

The sharp tang of citrus fruits like lemons, limes, or oranges. Think of the zesty flavor of lemonade or the refreshing sourness of a green apple.

Tannins from Wine


Provide structure and contribute to the wine's texture, especially in red wines

The drying sensation from over-steeped black tea or the bitterness of dark chocolate. Imagine the slightly puckering effect of eating grape skins.

Alcohol in Wine


SAffects the body and warmth of the wine

The warming sensation you feel when sipping spirits like whiskey or a strong cocktail. Similar to how alcohol evaporates and tingles your nose in rubbing alcohol.

Sweetness in Wine


Ranges from bone dry to very sweet

The sweetness of honey, ripe fruits like mango or peaches, or the sugary hit from a spoonful of sugar in tea.

Wine Body


Refers to the weight and fullness of the wine in the mouth

Compare skim milk (light body), whole milk (medium body), and cream (full body). It's about how thick or heavy something feels in your mouth.

Tips for Managing Calorie Intake

  • Opt for dry wines with lower alcohol content if calorie-conscious.
  • Enjoy sweeter or fortified wines in smaller servings.
  • Pair wines with complementary foods to enhance their flavor without overindulging.

By understanding the sweetness levels and calorie content, you can make informed choices to suit your taste and dietary preferences.

Some helpful videos can be found on these YouTube channels.